First, let me ask a silly question...Do you know what a home based business is? It is a small business that operates from the owners home office which needs a permit from your town or city hall before operations begin.
Why network marketing as a home based business? It's the only way you can earn income with the best use of your time. In a traditional business with a sole proprietor, the individual has to work over 10 hours per day for the business to work. In a traditional job you are trading your hours per day for pay check for the hour.
In network marketing, you have your own small business with all the benefits of owning a small business including the tax benefits offering solutions to people with the products, and services, and a business opportunity either part time or full time. It's a business of duplication. Meaning you train and support anyone you offer business to leverage your time to earn income: yours and theirs.
You said, I don't know how to do that since I don't like selling. Let me ask this question:- Have you ever been to a movie you really liked? Did you not tell your friends and family about it after you watched it? It's the same concept. Were you selling the movie? No, it's something you liked to see, and you shared the information with them. If they watched it and liked it, they told you. If they didn't, they let you know that too right? Did you get paid for sharing the information on the movie? I don't think you did, in network marketing, you do.
Is this legal? According to the Direct Selling Association, it most certainly is.
If it's that easy, why aren't more people doing it? This is a business, and like most business you must have the skills for it to work. It's not a get rich quick scheme, its a business.
Let me leave you with this story I heard from Jerry Clarke...An employer took his employee to a window, and showed him a plane, a BMW, and all the other niceties outside. He said to him, "Bob, do you see all that out there? If you work very hard, put in all the overtime you need. Someday, all that will be MINE."
Email me for free report on "How to get Rich without winning the lottery" for further ideas to be financially free.